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rc paraglider

In one of my semester breaks from university I decided to start building a RC paraglider from scratch. I figured it would be one of the simpler and more stabile aircrafts compared to Quadrocopters or similar. All of the construction, electronics design and programming has been done from scratch.

hardware specs

  • Frame out of wood (and hotglue, yays), roughly 500g
  • Brushless Outrunner with 1300 RPM/V
  • Two servos for brake/direction control
  • Powered by a 6.6V LiFePo4 accumulator

electronic specs

  • Small fail-safe servo+motor board using an ATTiny2313
  • RFM12 radio module (connected to an ATMega8 used as an 4800 baud UART bridge)
  • RaspberryPI + GameCube controller + RFM12 UART bridge as a remote controller


gzservoboard (ATTiny2313)
gzrfm12 uart bridge (ATMega8)
gzglider rc control (C# / RaspberryPi)
v1.0 frame of the glider
v1.0 frame of the glider