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'Gosh' is the successor of the 80% terrain engine and the project I am currently working on. It makes use of SlimDX and is written entirely in C#. The goal of the project is to create an engine which is able to visualizes large terrains using bloxels (a combination of voxels and blocks). As the project is still in the early stages of development, only some screenshots are available.


first tests with bloxels
first tests with bloxels
'bloxelized' sphere
'bloxelized' sphere
heightmap using bloxels
heightmap using bloxels
meshes are dynamically recalculated
meshes are dynamically recalculated


  • randomly generated terrains
  • completly destructible
  • makes use of chunking, an oct tree, frustum culling, ...
  • able to render fairly large environments (~100 fps in an 640³ environment)
  • predecessor: 80%