n64, gc to usbDue to the fact that I have no TV in my room anymore, and sometimes the urge to play some old n64-games returns, I decided to build an USB adapter, which allows you to use your N64/Gamecube-Controller as a joystick.Warning: This version is a little bit outdated, and I recommend using the 'attiny45 n64-usb' bridge instead, which is also much easier to build. setup
This project uses an ATTiny85 (although any other tiny with at least 4kb of flash should do the job). I decided to make the adapter in form of a regular USB stick, and therefore I placed the elements rather close together. Basically its just a microcontroller with one end directly connected to the USB plug, and the other end plugged directly into the controller. If you do not have any N64/GC plugs lying around, you can also just use a basic pin header like I did. It works fine (but needs a little bit of shortening for the GC controller) features
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last updated on February 23rd, 2017 copyright © 2010 - 2013 matthias linder |